Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rainy Umbrella

All done with my umbrella! The pattern is now for sale in my shop.

It's certainly been rainy enough here to justify it. Halfway through stitching it I thought I should have done a black umbrella and rainbow raindrops, so I photoshopped a picture to show both black and rainbow and black and light blue drops.

Next up with be some groups of animal patterns, based on traditional Japanese motifs.

Today I'm especially happy to be done with that piece because I think it's a good day to make bread. I tend to give the bread away fairly quickly, otherwise I will happily just eat bread and butter all day long. Heck, I'll eat plain bread dough pretty happily too.


  1. I think it's really cute with the rainbow drops!

    OMG! Fresh baked bread!!! *drools* I've stopped baking it like I used to because I also and sit and just eat it all day.


    1. Thanks!

      I could definitely be happy living on fresh bread, good cheese, and apples, though my body would probably be dissatisfied.
